Larger Map
Main Street in Central City ends at a T, turn left
onto Shaffer Mountain Road. After 0.8 miles make a
right turn onto Lambert Mountain Road and go into
the little village of Daley. Continue straight
through an intersection past the Daley Cemetery for
one-half mile. There will be a blue metal gate on
the right, the entrance to the Allegheny Front Hawk
Watch. |
This cleared area sits atop the Allegheny Front on
Shaffer's Mountain, 800 feet above the valley floor. Here
the public is invited to join volunteers who maintain a
daily vigil in the spring and fall, counting raptors who
use this flyway annually for migration. As many as 18,000
raptors have been counted here during the fall migration.
Contact Information:
The Allegheny Front Hawk Watch
maintained by the Allegheny Plateau
Audubon Society
E-mail: dmcnair@alleghenyplateauaudubon.org
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